Why is hair fall common in monsoon?


When the heats get unbearable, monsoons come to provide relief. The fresh breath of air, the sweet scent of earth after it rains, and the pleasant vibe around. While these are the things to crave, there are others we hate the most. For instance, a cluster of hair lying on the bathroom floor. It is a nightmare, isn’t it? Watching your strands fall down one by one even when you’re very gentle with it. Forget a shower, but simply being in your room becomes a nightmare with your hair strands falling in your hand.

If it’s any consolation, you’re not alone. We may not be the first to tell you this but hair fall is very common in monsoon.  Wondering why? Wondering what the scientific reason is behind monsoon hairfall?  Well, we’ll be enlightening you with that. Along with it, we will provide some tips you can follow to reduce hair fall in monsoon.

Brushing the basics.. why do you experience hair fall in monsoon?

Humidity is at its peak during monsoons, which is the leading cause of hair fall in this season. As humidity levels are high, your hair absorbs excess moisture from the hair, leading to swollen hair shafts which make them prone to breakage and split ends. Not to mention, the added moisture can also make the hair roots weak.

In case you often drench in the rain, it makes it worse. Rainwater is not as pure as you think. It contains dirt, pollutants, and other harmful chemicals, which settle on the scalp, causing damage and ultimately loss of strength.

The monsoon season brings with it a significant increase in humidity levels, which is the primary cause of the increase in hair fall. Due to high humidity, the hair absorbs more moisture from the air, leading to the swelling of hair shafts, which makes the hair more prone to breakage and split ends.

Fungal infections such as dandruff also become common in this season. The environmental factors, including humidity, moisture, and pollutants form the perfect environment for fungi to breed. This leads to irritation and itching, worsening hair fall.

Tips to reduce hair fall in monsoon

  • First things first, avoid getting drenched in the rain. In case you do, shampoo and condition your hair to remove pollutants.
  • Consider using anti-frizz products to manage dry and frizzy hair during monsoon.
  • Ensure you keep your scalp clean by washing your hair at least 2 times a week, thrice if your hair gets easily fast. While you are at it, use mild shampoo and conditioner.
  • Use a wide tooth comb. The one with narrow spaces can cause more hair fall.
  • Do not tie your hair in a tight hairstyle. Consider a loose ponytail with a scrunchie. A hair scrunchie is much gentler on the hair.
  • Do not compromise on the diet. It’s a good diet that makes your hair stronger and protects it from any damage the environment may inflict. It’s your armour against hair fall. Ensure that your diet provides these essential nutrients.


Protein is non-negotiable. Your hair is made of protein, so it’s obvious you cannot do without it. Ensure you are eating enough amount of biotin and omega-3 fatty acids, they’re types of protein essential for hair health. Add protein-rich food to your diet. Ensure you are eating at least 1 gm of protein per Kg of your body weight.


To say iron is important for your body would be an understatement. The deficiency can cause hair fall, among other health issues. Ensure you eat iron-rich foods such as red meat, spinach, and lentils.


Zinc supports the repairing of hair tissues which is essential to fight hair damage and hair fall resulting from it. Take a diet rich in zinc. The food items include lentils, pumpkin seeds, cashews, watermelon seeds, beans, and chickpeas.

Vitamins A and C:

These vitamins regulate the production of sebum and collagen, which strengthen the hair. Eat citrus foods, sweet potatoes and carrots.

Closing thoughts

While monsoon hair fall is a common and temporary concern, it’s important to remember that excessive hair loss can sometimes indicate underlying health issues. If you’re experiencing significant hair fall beyond the monsoon season, consult a dermatologist to rule out any potential medical causes.  However, for most people, following these tips and adopting a healthy hair care routine will ensure your hair bounces back to its healthy, beautiful self once the monsoon passes.

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