Why is hair fall common in monsoon?

  When the heats get unbearable, monsoons come to provide relief. The fresh breath of air, the sweet scent of earth after it rains, and the pleasant vibe around. While these are the things to crave, there are others we hate the most. For instance, a cluster of hair lying on the bathroom floor. It … Read more

What is pH balance in the human body?

  Our bodies are a wonderland. Just think about how it has been meticulously designed with each organ and system playing a vital role. For everything to function smoothly, there are crucial elements that need to be in perfect harmony. One of those crucial elements is the body’s pH level. You must have heard about … Read more

Stomach ache: Remedies that may help

  A stomach ache is enough to spoil your plans for the day – whether it is an assignment to complete, a meeting to attend or a casual lunch with your friends. However, the reasons for stomach ache can be plenty. Sometimes it may point to a serious medical condition and other times, it may … Read more

Habits that are burning muscles, not fat

  The fitness equation has changed. Long gone are the days when people believed that running for hours could burn fat. Now strength training has replaced the element in the equation. Turns out, it is more effective than trying crash diets and indulging in a long duration of cardiovascular exercises. All because muscles are more … Read more

Beat the Bloat: Exploring the Causes and Solutions for Digestive Issues

Digestive issues can be unpleasant, disturbing, and detrimental to our general health. Bloating is a widespread issue that many people experience. It’s the unsettling sensation of heaviness and abdominal distension. Bloating may result from dietary decisions or underlying medical issues, among other things. In this blog, we will examine the reasons for bloating and explore … Read more